  • 2017-0828
  • 브라질 엠브레어사 업체등록 양식
  • 글쓴이 최고관리자 조회수2,005

수신: GESCA 회원기업 제위


첨부파일은 브라질 엠브레어사 업체등록 양식으로서 지난 4월 에어로마트 몬트리올에서 협의되어 최근 입수된 내용입니다.

Dear Sirs,

First of all I would like to thank you for the time we had together during the Aeromart Montreal held in April, 2017.
I also would like to apologize for my late return on providing to you the information / template to be filled in by your company.

1. As discussed during the event, the first step to be included at Embraer's Suppliers base is accessing Embraer's web portal and including your company information on it.
For your reference, the internet address is: www.embraersuppliers.com
Note: you may also access this page by accessing Embraer's page - www.embraer.com (go to Suppliers page).

2. In addition, I am sending attached a template that "Summarizes" your company information.
I kindly request you to fill in this template and return it to my attention.
This summary will also be kept in our records and we may contact your company in case we have any new bidding opportunity that matches your company's technology expertise.

We thank again for your attention and look forward for hearing from you.

Kindest regards,
Patricia Sanches - Contracts Administrator
email: patricia.sanches@embraer.com.br
Phone: 55 12 3927-4160 / Mobile: 55 12 99781-4801
Embraer - São José dos Campos

▣ 문의처 ○ 경남테크노파크 항공우주센터 엄혁 책임연구원(055-853-6823)

▣ 첨부파일 ○ Bidders_summary-template.ppt

수출지원단 배상
경남테크노파크 항공우주본부경상남도 사천시 사남면 방지로 80 E-mail : le3janvier@gntp.or.kr 시스템 문의 : 055-241-9178